About Us

STA Connections was started by STA Ventures, LLC, a company dedicated to developing business opportunities for those in the Saint Thomas Academy Community. STA Ventures was created by Saint Thomas Academy Alumni Henry Patterson, ‘79, Kelly Rowe ’79 and Norb Winter ’87. The goal of STA Ventures is to provide opportunities for Saint Thomas Academy alumni, parents of current students and graduates of STA, current and former faculty to work with and support one another in their business endeavors. STA Ventures owns STA Connections with a number of Saint Thomas Academy Alumni, parents of students and alumni. STA Connections pledges to donate a portion of its profits back to Saint Thomas Academy.

Contact Information:

STA Connections, LLC
P.O. Box 16331 Saint Paul, MN 55116
Phone: (651) 760-8360
Email: staconnectionsllc@gmail.com